Michigan Durable Power of Attorney Form


A Michigan Durable Power of Attorney procures the necessary documentation to empower an agent with the legal right to handle your finances in your absence. Being a type of legal arrangement, it needs to be signed in accordance with Michigan law, which requires either a Notary Public or 2 witnesses to view your signature. So long that is done, the form can then be given to the agent (and anyone else you feel should have it). You can make the form go into effect immediately, or after an event that leaves you unable to handle your finances and/or communicate with others, known as making the form “springing”. If you don’t want to have the form remain in effect if you can’t oversee the agent, you should use a General POA, which covers the same financial powers, but isn’t durable. If you don’t want (or can’t) select a family member to perform as your agent, Michigan § 700-5501(h) states you can pay your selected agent money to act as your agent.


Laws: § 700-5501

Signing requirements: Notary public OR two (2) witnesses.