Tennessee Durable Power of Attorney Form

The Tennessee Durable Power of Attorney is a legal form that is governed by state law, providing adults with the option of specifying the name of a person that becomes the manager of their finances should they fall victim to mental incapacitation. The process for using the form straightforward: 1) the principal (you) completes the form and determines the power(s) that your agent receives, 2) the person you select signs the form (if they accept their nomination), and 3) you provide your agent with a copy of the POA and they present it whenever they need to act on your behalf.


If signing forms, the will need to write something along the lines of “(Agent Name) signing on behalf of (Principal Name)”. Should the primary agent no longer be able to act as the agent, the secondary agent listed on the POA will resume power. While optional, naming at least two (2) secondary agents is highly recommended. The alternative to the durable POA is the general POA – it should be used for situations where the principal wants the form to expire on a certain date or per another specific action.

Durable laws: Title 34, Ch. 6

Definition: § 34-6-102