Idaho Advance Directive Form


An Idaho advance directive is a document completed by an individual (the grantor) to fulfill their medical wishes if they are ever unable or pass away. The grantor uses this form to 1) specify medical treatment preferences if they become incapacitated and 2) name a person that will communicate their wishes to healthcare professionals.

A medical professional, such as a doctor, must certify that the grantor is incapacitated. This diagnosis means that the grantor has a chronic illness, disease, or injury that:

  • Is terminal;
  • Requires artificial nutrition, hydration, or other life-sustaining care to extend their life;
  • Will result in death regardless of life-sustaining care; and/or
  • Renders them as unconscious or in a persistent vegetative state.

When writing this form, the grantor must be of sound mind as they have to decide whether they wish to allow or deny artificial life-sustaining care (if ever deemed incapacitated). If the grantor is pregnant, the agent cannot make medical decisions on their behalf.

This form does not allow the physician to make medical decisions for the grantor. Instead, the physician must follow orders from the agent who uses the instructions in the advance directive to determine care. However, if the grantor also completes a Physician’s Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) form, the physician can make medical choices if needed.

Laws: Title 39, Chapter 45

Signing requirements: Not mentioned in state laws.