Idaho Standard Residential Lease Agreement


The Idaho Standard Residential Lease Agreement is a legal template that can be customized to establish the various rules for dwelling rentals that tenants are expected to follow. These include stipulations pertaining to the rent, the security deposit, circumstances in which the landlord can enter the rental, and more. In addition to specific terms and conditions, the lease includes basic information such as the dates on which it begins and ends; and relevant contact information for the property manager and tenant.

Tenant Screening: Idaho Rental Application

State Laws

Laws: Title 28 Ch. 12 (Parts 1 through 5)

Maximum Security Deposit: None.

Returning Security Deposits (§ 6-321): Landlords have a deadline of twenty-one (21) days to return the security deposit if there was no mentioned timeframe in the agreement. Regardless of the lease, landlords are required to return the deposit within thirty (30) days once the tenant(s) have left the property. If the refund reflects any deductions, the tenant is entitled to a written explanation. The landlord should include the reason for any deductions along with an itemized list of relevant expenses. The landlord must also sign the statement.

Pets And Service Animals: Landlords reserve the right to implement pet policies as long as the policies are not discriminatory and do not violate applicable laws. Because service and support animals belonging to tenants are not legally classified as pets, they are exempt from “pet policies.”