South Dakota Roommate Agreement


South Dakota roommate agreement is a contract used for establishing rules, schedules, and duties among individuals sharing the same rental. The form is used in standard rental situations as well as college dorms and apartments. Although each roommate should sign the form, it is rarely the type of contract used in court, as the issues it covers (cleaning, noise, etc.) isn’t something that can be enforced in a court of law. In other words, a judge can’t force a roommate to do their dishes. However, by going through the form together, the roommates will be encouraged to discuss topics that would otherwise not be mentioned until a problem occurred, such as sharing food, letting guests stay the night, and much more.

Benefits of Using a Roommate Agreement

  • Clears up confusion regarding rent and other bills
  • Reduces the likelihood of conflict/confrontation
  • Promotes the creation of routines
  • Results in a cleaner apartment / home
  • Provides a record-trail of each roommates agreed-upon duties