Kentucky General (Financial) Power of Attorney Form


A Kentucky general (financial) power of attorney is a form that an individual completes to give a trusted person comprehensive financial management responsibilities. This assignment encompasses various financial activities but does not include tax, healthcare, and motor vehicle dealings. It is non-durable, meaning the authorization ceases if the principal becomes incapacitated. Therefore, it accommodates individuals seeking temporary financial oversight without requiring provisions for long-term incapacity. This distinction emphasizes the importance of selecting a suitable agent for short-term financial management tasks.

Agent’s duties (§ 457.140): The agent must abide by state laws when completing the assigned duties. Individuals who do not comply can face legal action from the state and/or the person who created the form.

Laws: KRS Ch. 457

Signing requirements (§ 457.050): The document requires notarization but does not need witness signatures.