Wyoming Minor Child Power of Attorney Form


A Wyoming minor child power of attorney form offers a convenient solution for parents and guardians seeking to temporarily entrust their child’s care to a reliable friend or relative. With no specific time limit imposed by Wyoming law, the typical duration of this arrangement ranges from six months to one year. Furthermore, this form allows temporary assistance rather than permanent delegation of parental authority.

Typical scenarios for utilizing a Wyoming minor child power of attorney include parents who may be deployed for military duty, serving a prison sentence, or facing other life events that prevent them from caring for their children. The parent or guardian must sign the form and have it acknowledged by a notary public to establish a legally binding agreement. Careful consideration should be given to the scope of authority granted to the appointed agent, ensuring that the child’s best interests remain the top priority.

State Laws: Not mentioned.

Signing Requirements (§ 3-9-105): The parent’s and notary public’s signatures are required.