Montana Standard Residential Lease Agreement


The Montana Standard Residential Lease Agreement is a form used for establishing a set of rules and conditions for one or more tenants that will be renting an apartment, home, or room for one (1) year or longer. While a written lease is not required by Montana law, without one, landlords would be exposing themselves to significantly increased risk. With a contract, there is little room for interpretation; once signed by the landlord and tenant, if the contract states the tenant is to move out by a certain date (for example), they are obligated to comply. Common topics covered in rental contracts include 1) rent payments, 2) security deposits, 3) pet policies, 4) utilities, 5) keys/locks, and 6) required disclosures. So long a rule does not relate to a tenant’s skin color, race, nationality, age, disability, or other things outside of the tenant’s control, it can be included in the agreement.

Tenant Screening: Montana Rental Application

State Laws

Laws: Annotated Code Title 70 Ch. 24

Maximum Security Deposit: No statute (landlords are not restricted in what they can require tenants to pay for sec. deposits).

Returning Security Deposits (§ 70-25-202(1)): Deposits must be returned within thirty (30) days. If, after an inspection, the landlord discovers that there are no damages, and the tenant left no rent or utilities unpaid, the landlord has ten (10) days to return the full deposit to the tenant(s).

Required Notice for Entry (§ 70-24-312): For non-emergencies, landlords have to give tenants a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours of notice before entering the rental unit.