Pennsylvania Rental Application


The Pennsylvania Rental Application is the official form provided by the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors for screening persons looking to rent a property or unit on a short or long-term basis. The form provides space for up to two (2) applicants for situations where the property will be rented to a couple looking to apply jointly. The application collects a minimum of two (2) years of the applicant’s history and covers the applicant’s employment history, income, bank info, liabilities, vehicles, additional occupants (if any), and pets.

By requiring all potential tenants to disclose the same pieces of information with the form, it helps landlords to avoid being held liable for discriminatory practices. Being a form drafted specifically in mind with the Federal Fair Housing Act, it does not ask applicants any questions relating to their sex, disabilities, race, age, religious preferences, nationality, and familial status.

State Laws

Maximum Application Fee: Per Pennsylvania law, there are no requirements regarding application fees. In the event the applicant is rejected, landlords are not required to reimburse application fees.

Security Deposit (§ 250.511a): Landlords cannot collect more than two (2) months’ worth of rent for security deposits. After the second (2nd) year of leasing (and so on), landlords cannot collect more than one (1) month’s worth of rent as a deposit.

Tenant Rights:Know Your Rights as a Renter in Pennsylvania

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