Vermont General Power of Attorney Form

The Vermont General (Financial) Power of Attorney is a legal document that is used for giving a person the ability to handle another person’s financial-related affairs. The form is completed by the person assigning the power, known as the “principal”. The person the principal selects to receive the power is known as their “agent” or “attorney-in-fact”. Other than the principal and agent being adults, there are no special requirements (in other words, anyone can complete the document).

Unlike the durable (financial) POA, this form limits the agent’s powers to only being effective when the principal is of sound mental health. If the principal is declared as officially “incapacitated” while the POA is still in effect, the contract will be revoked automatically, removing all of the agent’s powers. If the principal would like to ensure their agent holds onto their powers regardless of their health, the durable type should be used.

Versions (2)

Version 1 – OpenDocs

Download: Adobe PDF


Version 2 – OpenDocs

Download: Adobe PDF, MS Word (.docx)


Laws: VT Title 14, Ch. 123

Help Packet: Taking Charge.pdf – A financial planning guide for Vermont residents.

Signing requirements (14 V.S.A. § 3503): In order for this POA to be considered valid, the following needs to occur:

  • The Principal needs to sign the form in the presence of a notary public (who then notarizes the form) AND one (1) witness.
  • The Agent needs to sign the form (no witness or notarization required).