South Dakota Month-to-Month Lease Agreement


Download the South Dakota Month-to-Month Lease Agreement to rent out vacant units to tenants without binding them (or the landlord) to a specific termination date. Monthly leases are convenient, which is highlighted by the fact that they can be terminated by issuing a notice of only thirty (30) or fifteen (15) days prior to the next payment. Landlords often charge significantly more rent for leasing by the month in comparison to what would be charged for a yearly lease. This is mainly due to the increased risk landlords face for facing vacancy, and also due to the fact that many landlords lease furnished units on a monthly basis.

In addition to requiring a minimal amount of notice in order to be terminated, landlords can also alter the lease contract (rent increases included) every thirty (30) days so long they provide the required notice. In addition to being able to charge more for rent, leasing by the month allows non-professional landlords (homeowners, for example) the option of leasing out a portion of their property for only a few months out of the year. This is the preferred method for leasing vacation homes and similar property types in the state.

State Laws

Statute: § 43-32-13

Required Notice to Terminate: Landlords – thirty (30) days; Tenants – fifteen (15) days.

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